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Nested Component - Passing Data to a Child Component

If you want to pass data to a nested component you have to use the @Import decorator. You can find this decorator at @angular/core

import { Input } from '@angular/core';

Now I show you how you can use this decorator.
In my example I want to pass a counter from a Shopping List to a Shopping Basket Component
In the end, the shopping basket should look like this:

The Shopping Basket shows the number of items in an array (Shopping List). Everytime we put an item in the basket we count the items in the array

this.counter = this.selectedProducts.length

Now we have to pass the counter to the ShoppingBasketComponent by using property binding

<app-shopping-basket [count]="counter"></app-shopping-basket>

After this we can use the input decorator at the child component
export class ShoppingBasketComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() countany

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {


And we can use it in the HTML


Passing data from a parent to a child component is very easy. You only use property binding at the parent component and the input decorator at the child component.


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